23 Aug
How to transfer Embroidery Designs on fabric

The web is stuffed with weaving examples and structures that are simply hanging tight for your needle and string. Be that as it may, uh, how precisely do you get them onto your fabric?  With one of these basic strategies, obviously.

Embroidery Fabric

Iron-On Transfer Paper

Spot the paper onto the correct side of your fabric and iron. In only a couple of moments, the pattern will move over to the fabric.

Heat Transfer Pens and Pencils

Print your example onto paper (once more do this in turn around). Follow straightforwardly over the pattern lines with your exchange pen.

Light Transfer

Tape your example to the lightbox or a window that gets a strong measure of daylight. Tape your fabric over the pattern and, utilizing a water-solvent pen (so the lines eradicate with a fast spot of water)

Carbon Paper

The carbon paper strategy might be outdated, yet it has exactly the intended effect. Accessible at most fabric and art stores (and some of the time marked as weaving following paper)

So you can use these methods!

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